Some Common Myths About AI You Need To Know

First thing first, let’s discuss about the term AI

The term AI “artificial intelligence” does imply the creation of intelligent behaviour through human-designed algorithms and models, rather than a form of independent, self-generated intelligence. The definition of intelligence itself is a complex and debated topic, with no universally agreed-upon definition. AI, in its current state, lacks certain aspects of human intelligence, such as common-sense reasoning and emotional understanding, making it distinct from human intelligence. The debate about what constitutes “true” intelligence and whether AI qualifies as such continues to evolve as culture, science, and technology advance.

Okay, Computers have got no memory!

As we know, language has its limitations in describing the capabilities of everything, including computers, of course. When we refer to a computer’s “memory,” we are using language to create a metaphorical understanding, drawing parallels to human memory. In reality, a computer’s “memory” is a storage system that doesn’t forget unless explicitly instructed to erase or overwrite data. It doesn’t possess consciousness or the ability to forget autonomously.

Language can indeed be a powerful tool, but it can also shape our perceptions and understanding of complex concepts. It’s essential to be aware of these linguistic limitations and recognize when metaphors might not perfectly align with the true nature of technology. This awareness can lead to more precise and accurate discussions about computers and their capabilities.

Let’s debunk some common myths about AI :

AI Can Think and Feel Like Humans

AI systems, including the most advanced ones, do not possess consciousness, emotions, or self-awareness. They are tools designed to process data and execute tasks based on algorithms, without understanding or experiencing emotions or anything else.

AI Can Replace All Human Jobs

While AI can automate certain tasks and improve efficiency, it’s unlikely to completely replace all human jobs. It’s more common for AI to augment human capabilities and create new job roles in areas like AI development and oversight.

AI Always Understands Context Perfectly:

AI systems can struggle with understanding context, sarcasm, and nuances in language. Natural language processing (NLP) has made great strides, but AI systems can still misinterpret or fail to grasp subtle meanings.

AI is Infallible

AI is not immune to errors. It relies on data, and if the data is biased, incomplete, or flawed, AI can produce biased or incorrect results. Regular monitoring and adjustment are essential to maintain AI system accuracy.

AI Can Replace Creativity

While AI can assist in creative tasks by generating content or suggesting ideas, it doesn’t possess true creativity or original thought. Creative thinking, innovation, and artistic expression remain uniquely human traits.

AI Can Solve Any Problem Instantly

AI is powerful but not omnipotent. The complexity of some problems may require significant computing resources and time. Not all problems have AI solutions, and some may remain unsolved.

AI Can Read Minds

AI can analyse patterns and data to make predictions, but it cannot read thoughts or access personal memories. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are distinct technologies used for such purposes and are still in early stages of development. We are truly a long way from that, if we ever get there.

AI Can Operate Without Human Oversight

AI systems typically require human oversight, especially in critical domains like healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles. Humans are responsible for monitoring AI performance, ensuring ethical use, and making crucial decisions.

AI Systems Are All Superintelligent

AI systems vary in complexity and capability. Most AI applications in use today are narrow or weak AI, designed for specific tasks. General AI, which can perform any intellectual task humans can, remains theoretical and does not currently exist.

AI Understands the World Like Humans

AI systems lack common-sense reasoning and a deep understanding of the world. They rely on data patterns and may draw incorrect conclusions when faced with novel situations or unexpected data.


Understanding these myths and realities about AI is essential for informed decision-making, responsible use of AI technologies, and setting realistic expectations about AI’s current capabilities and limitations. Since AI needs data to work, try to guess who provides this data… It’s not difficult.

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Bob Mazzei
Bob Mazzei

AI Consultant, IT Engineer

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