Not everything they say is AI is powered by AI

Not everything that is claimed to be powered by AI actually utilises genuine AI technology. Sometimes the term “AI” is used loosely or inaccurately to describe certain technologies or features that may not truly exhibit the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

In some cases, companies may use the term “AI” as a marketing buzzword to create the impression of advanced technology or to generate interest in their products or services. This can lead to confusion and misrepresentation of what AI truly encompasses.

It is important to be discerning and critical when evaluating claims about AI-powered technologies. Understanding the specific capabilities and limitations of AI can help in distinguishing genuine AI applications from those that may not be truly driven by AI algorithms.

When in doubt, it is always helpful to research and gather more information about the technology in question, consider the reputation and track record of the company or organisation making the claims, and consult reliable sources or experts in the field.

What is genuine AI?

Genuine AI, also known as true AI or artificial general intelligence (AGI), refers to an advanced form of artificial intelligence that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains, similar to human intelligence.

Genuine AI systems are designed to exhibit a high level of cognitive functioning, including capabilities such as:

  1. Reasoning and Problem Solving: Genuine AI can analyse complex information, draw logical conclusions, and apply reasoning to solve problems.
  2. Learning and Adaptation: Genuine AI has the ability to learn from data and experiences, improve its performance over time, and adapt to new situations or tasks.
  3. Understanding Natural Language: Genuine AI can comprehend and generate human language, enabling communication and interaction with humans in a natural and meaningful way.
  4. Perception and Sensing: Genuine AI systems can perceive and interpret the environment using sensors and data inputs, including visual, auditory, and tactile information.
  5. Knowledge Representation: Genuine AI can represent and organise knowledge in a structured manner, enabling the system to access and utilise information effectively.
  6. Decision Making: Genuine AI can make autonomous decisions based on available information, preferences, and predefined rules or objectives.

It is important to note that genuine AI, or AGI, is a concept that represents highly advanced and versatile AI capabilities. As of now, true AGI has not been achieved, and most AI systems currently in use are more specialised and focused on specific tasks or domains. These systems, known as narrow AI or weak AI, excel in specific areas but lack the broad cognitive abilities associated with genuine AI.

Developing genuine AI is a complex and ongoing area of research, and achieving true artificial general intelligence remains a significant goal within the field of artificial intelligence.

However, don’t be fooled by excessive – and even silly – concerns about AI. Any artificial intelligence can only perform what it was designed to do. That is, its knowledge is limited to what we humans make available to it.

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Bob Mazzei
Bob Mazzei

AI Consultant, IT Engineer

Articles: 90